College can be scary, but I have put together a list that will make it less so, and might even make it fun!
(Practical) Planner
Yes, everyone knows what I'm talking about, the planner that has enough room for every day of the week and also pages with the entire calendar on them. This comes in super handy when professors start adding more and more stuff that needs to be done, and you can also use the full calendar to plan out your social events and allocate your study days.
(Stay tuned for my "Study Tips for Even the Best Procrastinators" post, coming soon!)
Also, not every planner is made the same; some of them have more months than others, and if you keep looking you can find great ones for reasonable prices. My recommendation is to look at a Marshall's or a TJ Maxx; they have amazing deals on practical and cute planners!
Reliable Laptop
While taking notes on with a pencil and paper can help you retain information better, professors sometimes talk way to fast to be able to keep up. In this situation, your best bet is to use your computer to take notes (depending on your major/college). Sooner or later, you will become dependent on your computer, so you need to make sure it's a good one.
If your laptop is the one you've been using throughout high school, I would highly recommend that you look into a new one, as you start college. Money gets pretty tight, and it is much better to purchase one now, that will last you over the next few years, than to wait until the last minute.
While I am an advocate that a good laptop is crucial for college, that doesn't mean that you need to have the "latest and greatest." Shop for what fits your budget and needs, it will be worth it in the long run.
However, if you simply can't afford a laptop, many colleges have a computer lab (typically in their library) with computers that are free to use!
A Social Group
Now, this can sound super scary, but it's not; the sooner you get plugged in, the better. If this is something that terrifies you, then start out by making friends with people in your classes; you know you'll both have at least one thing in common!
The main benefit of this is that you feel more connected to your school, which can lead to higher grades and less home sickness, if you're far away. As a student, a lot of your time is going to be spent studying, and while that keeps you very busy, there are going to be times that you want to go do something. When those moments hit, it is very important that you have an outlet to channel all that energy , or else you will end up becoming a busy body with a bad attitude. (Check out your colleges website for club information!)
Follow the 3 C's (Comfy, Casual, and Cute)
College can throw a lot of things at you, and it's nice to have an outfit for each of those moments. Now, I know that space is limited for many you so these "3 C's" can really come in handy. Think of them like a pyramid, with comfy on the bottom, casual in the middle, and cute on top. More times than not, you're not going to want to put effort into looking your best (yes, I said it). While it's still possible to look nice, no matter what you choose to wear, you don't need as many cute clothes as you think.
Now, to explain this a bit more, many of your comfy clothes can be used as your casual clothes, and many of your casual clothes can be used as your cute clothes. The possibilities of mixing and matching is endless, and if you try and keep your wardrobe ratio like this, you'll be ready for any occasion.
Something Unique to YOU
With the hustle and bustle of college life, it is easy to feel like you're nothing special. Going through college, this is something that I struggled with when I switched to my current university, and I still do! When I start to feel this way I head to the gym, go for a walk, or write my blog; each of these activities make me feel a little different and inspire to me to share that piece of myself with those around me! I guess you could think of it as a little bit of an energy boost.
Thanks for reading and I would love to hear about the things that you think a college student needs to have/do to succeed! Send me an email at and your ideas might be featured in one of my future posts!