As many of you know, Michigan got hit with a "polar vortex" this past week. Even though I managed to go to the gym a couple times and get homework done, I still found myself pretty much dying of boredom, as I faced a week of snowdays (I know...poor me).
This got me thinking, "How can we stay healthy, mentally and physically, when it's too cold to go outside?"
Here's list of things that helped me stay sane over this past week:
Clean Out Your Closet!
Since it's too cold to go shopping, why not go shopping in your own closet? Get rid of things that you don't need anymore, or take some time to put together new outfits that you never thought of before.
Clean Your House or Room!
This could be just me, but the longer I was trapped in my house, the dirtier it seemed. One day, my roommate and I couldn't handle it anymore so we cleaned! We both found ourselves feeling much better and also felt like we had done something productive.
Play Video Games//Board Games!
For me, this was Just Dance on the Wii, and my roommates and I had a great time playing Wii Sports (I know, we're old ). Try and steer clear of single person games, because this can make you feel isolated, but getting a group of people that you live with (or those that want to brave the cold) can help beat those winter blues!
Look Up a Workout on Pinterest!
Pinterest has a lot of great workouts that are super fun and effective. Many of them can be done at home and can be anywhere from ten minutes to as long as you want to make them. It's important to get moving, or else you'll be feeling even more sluggish, mentally and physically, when you have to get back to school or work!
Organize your Pinterest//Spotify//or Other Apps!
Organization is key to helping your brain stay healthy. Take this downtime to get organized in every aspect of your life!
Have fun and stay warm!